Sunday, November 13, 2011

Youre a fake as the people you claim to hate..

So college. I started out strong. Big mistake. Making friends and having fun shouldn't have been my priority because now that its gone, it hurts. Funny thing is I thought that our friendship meant something to you. I get it not everything lasts but honestly after everything you're going to go and be a hypocrite. We've sat up and talked and gotten to know each other. I've sat and listened to you vent about how fake people turn out to be and how happy you are to at least have me here. So what happened tonight? You got your so called fake friends back and all of a sudden our friendship means nothing. You turned out to be just as fake as you say they all are. I guess you deserve their friendship then. It just sucks that I trusted you and thought that I could consider you a best friend. I'm trying not to be dramatic about the situation but how can I not be? Like I honestly don't care what you do, but don't come complaining to me when everything goes wrong again. I helped you through alot and you've helped me as well but after tonight I don't think I can ever trust you like before. Tonight I was ignored and treated as if I didn't even exist to you. I don't own you I know that but I think I at least deserve an explanation. I just don't need this now and you know that but whatever I get it. Once a fake always a fake.