So i talked my mom out of actually putting me in a hospital except i had to settle for something which is not any better. I have to join a program that is everyday from 1-5. Not only is it 4 hours a day id have to get out of school at 12 everyday because it takes an hour to get there. Which is ridiculous because I'll be missing two whole Classes. Plus i have drama at night and i wont have enough time to do homework. I'm bound to fall behind in school. Which will put way more stress on me then i need. So though this program is supposed to be helping me, it wont because it'll make my stress level rise. The irony is that it's suppose to help me cope with stress not add to it. I cant even object to it either because then they'll throw me in some hospital which i don't need. They are taking my freedom away from me. Plus my mom cleaned out my room and took literally almost everything out of it. My picture frames, my Cd's, my DVDs, my hair products, pens, pencils, EVERYTHING. It's suppose to keep me safe but it just leaves me in a room that doesn't even feel like my own. I don't feel comforted there anymore, i feel like I'm laying in someone else's world. It's weird its like I'm a visitor in someone else's room. The funny thing is though i didn't use any of those things to try and "harm" myself. They didn't even come close to finding any of it. Which totally defeats the purpose of destroying my room. Sadly for them, I'm too clever and i think of everything. They just keep taking things away and pushing things on me that wont help me at all. They just keep making it worse.
Up side to today though: i made cup cakes =]
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