Music. It can tell a lot about who a person is and how they are feeling. For me music defines my life. I listen to everything, from alternative to country to rap to old school. I got it all on my ipod. But everyday I listne to something different depending on my mood. I always lay down, make a play list, and then just let it play over and over. Personially it's nice to listen to music you can relate to because you know your not the only one feeling the way you do.
Today my playlist is as follows:
1.)AFI - Bleed Black
2.)Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy
3.)Green Day - Brain Stew
4.)Hinder - Get Stoned
5.)My Morning Jacket - Highly Suspicious
6.)She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart
7.)The Black Crows - Hard To Handle
8.)The Used - Hospital
9.)Nickeback - Because of You
10.)Kate Voegele - Wish You Were
11.)Kate Voegele - You Can't Break a Broken Heart
So that completes it. Now these are SOME of my favorite songs ever. Most of these bands or artist aren't heard very much on the radio with the exception of Green Day and Nickelback. These songs may not be what's "in" at the moment, just because you can't shake your ass to it, but it's real. Every one of these artist's sings about something real, something meaningful and that's what makes their songs worth listening to.
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