Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve !

Today is Christmas Eve and let me tell you I'm pretty excited. I'm always excited for Christmas but for some reason, this year I'm more excited than usual. I haven't finished shopping yet lol but I'm going as soon as my dad gets home. I love Christmas shopping, I think it's because I like shopping for other people. Because then when I see them smile when they open the gift I know I put it there.
I hope I can find pajamas for my mom because every year me and my brother get Christmas Eve pj's. My mom usually gets them from her mom, but this year she doesn't think she's getting them and she's upset. So I'm hoping I can find some. I know it won't be the same, but it's the thought that counts.

Tonight were going to church as we do every Christmas Eve. I'm not a big fan of it but my mom likes it so we all go to make her happy. Then after we should be going to the Chinese restaurant for dinner. Although I'm not very excited about that because I like to just come home after church and just relax and spend time with everybody. Plus tonight I'm making rice crispy treats and I don't want to make them too late. I like to try and go to bed early because I'm usually up very early, like 4 am kinda early. I can't help it, deep down I'm still a little kid. =]

4 days till my birthday

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