Tuesday, September 16, 2008

it'll all be over soon

These last few days have been really tough for me. Depression has been following me around for days and it never seems to leave. No matter where i am or who i'm with it's always with me. It isn't always obvious because i've been living with it for so long that i know how to hide my true feelings. Yet it never leaves. I feel like i'm watching myself in a movie like i'm not really there. I'm not really expierencing my life, im sitting on the sidelines watching. Lots of things are happening but i cant do anything to stop them. No matter how hard i try i have no power over my life or what's happening to me. Something has to change, my story needs to change. I dont want to be another suicidal teen. I want to survive and i want to make it through. Yet i'm fighting a hopeless battle. It's me against the world. And the said truth is, in time, i'll loose. And then there will be nothing left to live for. And that's how my story will end. Just like that. There wont be any goodbyes or so longs. Just like that it'll end. No one will no how and no one will no why. No one has the answers, not even me. Once i've finally come to my total defeat, my world will come to and end once and for all.

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